Thursday, January 16, 2014

Healthy eating, Reader's Workshop, What's new?!

Healthy Eating
We have been looking at labels on commercial foods and treats that we have been eating. Thanks for sending in those nutrition labels. We created a venn diagram using sorting hoops to decide if this was a 'healthy food' (eat regularly), or a 'treat food' (eat once in a while). We discussed some tricky items like high sodium (salt) or high sugar and what over processed foods with chemicals might mean for our body. 
A fun activity involved going through a list of fruits and vegetables that we have tried or eat regularly.There were many vegetables and fruits that students didn't know what it was or perhaps they know it as a different name. So, for anyone that is brave enough to try, I have been bringing some items in to taste. Last week was this ugly root vegetable. Do you know what it is?
Well, ask you child, despite what it looks like most of them loved it and ate all of it ( tastes just like celery!). 

I promised  to provide a link for the game 'Pyramid Blast off'. I took some time to show the students what to do and how to get their rocket to the planet. Take a minute some time this week to help your child put in all the foods they have eaten in a day. Discuss what might be added to your child's food to make it healthier. Most of all, have fun with the program. It is located on my websites tab or you can click here: 
                    PYRAMID BLAST OFF GAME 

Reader's Workshop
We are taking a critical look at narrative stories and how they are constructed. To apply this knowledge, we will be having fun acting out scripts of 'known' stories using skills we have developed while reading aloud. Students will be working on their dramatic retells while integrating reading and furthering their fluency development. Also, it is a lot of fun! (This week we are working on 'The Three Little Pigs' and next week we will be able to pick our own play).

What's New?
Knitting club was well attended this Tuesday. We have made some knitting spools using toilet paper rolls and popsicle sticks for those that didn't buy one. The students have really done well with learning this and are very busy during read aloud time (when I allow them to do their knitting). Did you know Jacques Plainte was a hockey player that knit? 

Read Aloud: We are reading a little known Roald Dahl book entitled 'Danny the Champion of the World'. The story is a heartwarming adventure story that centres around 'pheasant poaching' in the woods. I do actually have a stuffed pheasant (doesn't every teacher?) and will bring that in for students that may have never seen one. 

Miss Hannam: We are lucky to have a volunteer this month in our classroom. Here is the lovely part.. I taught Miss Hannam when she was in Grade One and now she is finishing teacher's college. I guess that is the cycle of life for a teacher. However, I can't help being super proud of her and am honoured that she is joining us for a month or so! 

Trip: We are working on planning a trip for February...details to follow when everything is confirmed

Have a great week and stay warm! 

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