You may notice there is a theme to my class pictures. When I mention to the children that I want a "picture of that for the blog" they all assume the 'hand pose'. I have told them I will never put their pictures on this blog but they like the idea that someone in China could see their they feel that their hands need to be there too...just to prove they did it.
Learning outcomes for Grade One: -to explore and describe 3D solids; make a picture using 2D figures, use language such as on, in, under, and over to describe where objects are placed.
Learning outcomes for Grade Two: -identify two-dimensional shapes and three dimensional figures and sort and classify them by their geometric properties
- identify and describe various polygons (i.e., triangles, quadrilaterals, pentagons, hexagons, heptagons, octagons) and sort and classify them by their geometric properties (i.e., number of sides or number of vertices), using concrete materials and pictorial representations (e.g., "I put all the figures with five or more vertices in one group, and all the figures with fewer than five vertices in another group)
As well, students have enjoyed learning how to compose and decompose (love this word!) shapes by folding 'nets' to create the 3D shapes. We will be finishing this unit soon and then moving on to learning about money.
The students are learning about famous/inspiring people for the month of February. So far we have read about Helen Keller, Martin Luther King, Harriet Tubman and many more. The book corner is full of biographies thanks to Mr. Cann our wonderful librarian. Of course we also have a collection of Valentines Day books too...just for fun.
I've had a suggestion to enlarge my blog font. Hopefully you don't think I'm shouting. Just testing out the larger font for those parents that wish to print out parts of the blog.
Have a great week!