Progress Reports go home Monday, November 17th.
Please make sure to send in your interview forms so we can schedule your interviews. It is a challenge to coordinate sibling interviews back to back with various teachers. We always try our best to do this for you! In case you were wondering what the format for the 'Grade Two' interviews will be this year, it is as follows:
10 minutes (student led) Each student will meet with their parent with their personal portfolio.
In each portfolio is a booklet where students self assessed their learning skills and goals. Take a moment to look through this booklet and see if your child critiqued themselves in an honest way. Some children can be quite hard on themselves while others seem unaware of potential areas to improve upon. There will also be a writing and math sample for you to see. All of this will provide an opportunity for good discussion.
10 minutes (teacher led) I will join you at this point and we will set goals together as indicated on the back of the report card. Please take a moment to jot ideas down or you are welcome to leave it blank and we can discuss those goals together. If you would like to discuss anything privately with me we can do so at this time and your child may read quietly in the hall if you would prefer.
Learning skills
We have spent time talking about what the 'Learning Skills' on the report mean to us. Although the headings (Responsibility, Organization, Independent Work, Collaboration, Initiative, Self Regulation) are quite big words for small children, we discuss them in class to create understanding. We co-created charts that hang in our classroom to help provide a culture of 'shared language'. Learning skills are an area of the report card that students can control. Making this content understood and demonstrating school expectations are an important part of our program.
Pajama day art
Since this Friday was pajama day we tried to come up with a winter themed 'night' time art idea. So, we first read the book 'Owl Moon' which is a wonderful book about walking through the woods, making owl sounds and then finally encountering a Great Horned Owl. Our owl art was created in layers. First the moon (crayon), then the snowy tree (using white paint, brushes and the edge of cardboard to make the branches). Then we picked an owl and either drew or coloured our own special owl using markers. Finally we added some glitter using glue and sparkles. You will see them when you drop by this week for interviews! (click the pic to enlarge and see some of our 'Night owls')
Have a great weekend and see most of you next week!