Monday, June 24, 2013

Father's Day pics and Summer is almost here!

This year, I decided to try blogging as a means to communicate with parents in a more up to date way. Instead of the monthly newsletter, I thought that perhaps weekly updates with pictures may be a more interesting way to let parents know what was happening. Thank you to those who provided feedback (especially positive or constructive)! I heard from parents who are separated that it is a nice way to get the same message and not feel that somehow a newsletter did not make it to both homes. I also enjoyed the feedback from parents about something I wrote and that they enjoyed reading about it. Another bonus was students themselves reading it during reading time and looking at pictures of us, as it actually happened. In a very real way it is a bit like a yearbook, an opportunity to look at all that happened and see events in their entirety.  It is a bit scary to venture out into the world with your educational thoughts/ideas but I knew that after many years of teaching that maybe, just maybe I had something to say that others might find interesting. At the very least, I hope my sense of humour and care for the children in my class shines through in what I write. I may blog a bit in the summer, but really I don't expect much of an audience as I hope that everyone is off exploring, travelling and enjoying family time (as I hope to do).

Father's day art

I'll leave you with some of the magnificent pictures from Father's day! The watercolour artwork turned out so well. Using salt on the watercolour paper is what created those magnificent effects. To make the animals, I borrowed doodles from this amazing site   Doodle art link and had the children use markers to great effect.
This student created owls!

The symbolism of a Dad and baby was particularly poignant and I hope you appreciated it much more than a paper tie or macaroni necklace ...although those are quite stylish I hear (I did, accidently wear a macaroni necklace out shopping one day...long story...ends with shoppers pointing at me and laughing). On that note...have a wonderful, safe and happy summer! What will I be doing this summer....just building a pond ...shouldn't be too hard :)

Wednesday(June 26)is when reports come home. Sign and return please. This is also the Cambridge Butterfly conservatory trip (remember lunch is provided)

Thursday (June 27) is a shortened day and students will be dismissed at 1:40 p.m. 

Friday (June 28) P.A. Day for teachers (no school for students)
             Schools out for summer/ see you in September
Here are my sister's alpacas with their new summer coats...just to make you smile.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Probability, End of year, Father's day

Our last math unit of the year is 'Probability'. I like to save this unit until the end as it is kind of fun. You can play probability games and do some creative writing as well. Today we read the book, Cloudy with a chance of Meatballs by Judi Barrett (yes, before the movie there was a book). We used probability language: Likely, unlikely, never, impossible and discussed what each means. Then we did a follow up activity that you might find amusing. Here are some results:

End of Year stuff
I am slowly sending home items that we have completed. I usually write on the books that this is 'complete' so you know not to send it back to school. A locker and desk clean up will happen soon so I'm hoping to send home any old winter items or belongings that have been trapped in the lockers for a few months (bet you can't wait!). Today, I reached into a child's locker and pulled out a very scary, old banana. It wasn't going to be long before the fruit flies carried it out for me. 

Next week is the last week for Home Reading. I'd like to get back all the books and any carrying portfolios for inventory. Mr. Cann is stopping book exchange next week for inventory as well. However, on-line books (Bookflix, Raz-kinds, Tumblebooks) are available all summer!

Burlington Firehall
Grade One students walked to the Burlington Firehall on Berwick and Walker's Line. A big shout out to the firemen who were so patient, fun and informative with the students. They showed them all their rescue tools and explained the difference between a pumper truck and a rescue vehicle. Each child was able to sit in the truck and it was all very organized. Just as we finished the fireman got a real rescue call. We were able to see them jump into action and they waved to us as they drove away, sirens blazing. Quite exciting! Then we came back to school for 'Jump Rope for Heart'. It was a very active day! 

Father's Day
We have been busy making super, secret gifts. I will post pictures next week once the surprise is over! I don't normally share too much personally but here is a picture of my Dad and I at the Hubbard Glacier in Alaska. I'm very lucky to still have him in my life! The two things I remember about this picture is that the glacier was breathtaking. The other thing I remember is they had mosquitoes there that were the biggest I've ever seen...could have been used as the national could actually hear them arriving :)

                        Hope everyone has a great weekend!