Saturday, January 30, 2016

Class Dojo, Snowman art, Read alouds and Reports

Our class 'Dojo' account
Perhaps you have already logged in to see your child's account! I would encourage you to view the videos that are on youtube about 'Growth Mindset'. Link to Chapter 1 Growth Mindset movie. This is derived from the work of Carol Dweck whom I have written about previously on this blog feed. The new Dojo on-line program has provided a child friendly way of thinking about 'how we learn'. Many programs teach a student 'what' to learn but usually ignore the 'how' part. I believe that teaching students how to become resilient learners is a very important part of the education process.

Each week, our class watches a 5 minute video that discusses how our brain grows 'like any other muscle' when we experience new learning. Sometimes frustration happens when we experience a challenge.Strategies are explained to provide students a more positive way of thinking. Next week we are looking forward to the video 'The Power of Yet'. As in..."I can't do multiplication....yet" What a difference a simple word can make when articulating a more positive approach to learning!
Here we are watching the character Mojo!
There have been many activities happening this month. Here is a a picture montage to give you a glimpse into our classroom.
Our new bulletin board...Snowman portraits! Don't you love how each child interpreted the task differently. What results!

Smartboard centres!

Guided Reading with Ms Fink! (empty chair as she is currently taking the picture)

Daily 5 Reading Centres
Using the school chrome books to read

Learning about Tricky Y!

Read alouds
You may have heard about the stories we read in class. Currently we are reading THE BFG by Roald Dahl. We are also reading 'OWLS IN THE FAMILY' by Farley Mowat. I do allow the students to knit or draw when I read so this is a nice time to activate different parts of our brain. I have posted previously about the benefits of reading aloud to a class. If you have time, here is the link to that post. Why Read Aloud?

Reports - I will be working on reports in the next few weeks. Of course this will mean lots of skills checks and gathering data from the students. Reports go home at the end of February. 

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