This week is an exciting one! I had a few tired children today who may have stayed up to watch a certain hockey team lose in the final moments of the playoffs. As one child said, "I heard some shouting at the television last night!". Another exciting moment was our Canadian astronaut landed safely last night in Kazakhstan. Chris Hadfield has done so much through both the space program and social media to allow children to learn and understand about our universe and space travel.
Art for the Sky
Our t-shirts have arrived. Tomorrow your child will get their t-shirt with the Florence Meares falcon proudly printed on the front of the shirt.
The students will go out to the field and form the falcon on the field for the helicopter with the artist 'Daniel Dancer' to take our picture as they fly overhead. Not sure what will happen if the weather doesn't permit but we are all hoping for the best! Here is a picture of some of my students excitedly pointing out the mulch outline of the falcon being built onto the field.
***please dress your child in either dark pants (jeans are fine) or light beige pants...NO hot pink pants or else the falcon may have a weird pink dot on it :)*****
Our caterpillars arrived on May 7th and we have put them into containers ready for the magic of metamorphosis to take place. Once they have formed a chrysalis, we remove the lids and place them into a larger terrarium. I'm not sure what is in the food (it smells like flour and some sort of protein powder) but I'm amazed at how fast these little guys grow!
If you look at the top tabs on this website you will see a new area entitled 'podcasts'. My goal is to have all students on there eventually (first names only for anonymity). They have written their own persuasive paragraphs about ecology and are reading them for you. Hope you enjoy listening. Thanks to Mr. Cann (our librarian) who always helps me figure out how to make my ideas into technological reality.
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